How To Grow Your Social Media

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In most industries social media is used on a daily basis, particularly in the fashion industry. Making your posts gain traction and high quality leads is so important to the success of most businesses, however due to the saturation of the market most posts go unnoticed. We can work with you to create posts that not only stand out but generate you high quality leads. Generating sales through social media is at the forefront of our marketing strategies.

Creating an engaged audience.

The most important factor when trying to grow social media pages is gaining a loyal and engaged following. One way this can be done is through the consistency of your posts. If your brand is instantly recognisable then your followers are more likely to engage with it. Also, maintaining a very high standard of posts is essential. Getting the balance right between how much you post and the quality of your posts is essential. We recommend posting less frequently (3 times a week) because it is the well thought out content that leads to sales.

TOP TIP – Using a tool like Buffer will mean that you can schedule posts in advance and not worry about keeping up your consistency.

Organic vs Paid Reach

Through well targeted ads it is relatively easy to grow your pages quickly. This way you are able to reach an audience who may not have found your content/products naturally and gives you another demographic who you can target. However, when trying to generate sales through social media, organic reach is often more successful. This is done through the quality and consistency of your content.

As always, we strongly recommend a mixture of the two as when your ads are well targeted you can begin to turn the audience you found from them into loyal followers.

TOP TIP – It is always worth running some paid ads as it will help you boost your post in the algorithm, even if you don’t commit a big spend.


While many say that facebook is a dead social platform, it is one of the most effective platforms for gaining engaged leads. Facebook Ads are one of the best ways in growing your page quickly because if they are well targeted you can reach an audience that would not have reached your page naturally as it is usually harder to do this on facebook than Instagram or other mediums.


For Facebook your content needs to be extremely engaging and eye catching as people’s attention span is much lower on here. High quality video content is proven to be much more effective when trying to grow your page and sales on Facebook. This is because it shows the quality of your product/brand is the best possible way, your audience likes to see a deeper insight into what happens at Fashion Rider and video content is the best way to do this.

TOP TIP – The Adobe suite can really help create content that stands out. Premiere Pro (their video tool) is a must!


For a business operating in the fashion space, Instagram is the most effective social media platform. This is because the organic reach you can gain from quality content is far greater here than anywhere else. This is a huge advantage to your business as you can capitalise on the popularity of fashion and makeup at the moment.


For instagram high quality images are vital. When people are browsing your images need to stand out and grab their attention. This can also be done through precise tagging and ads. We recommend posting more regularly to Instagram than other social medias because the demographic that mainly use it are used to seeing a constant stream of new posts and you have to stay on the forefront of your target markets minds.

TOP TIP – Post to instagram in the 9×16 format to take up as much space in people’s feeds. More screen real estate = more engagement.

A few extra tips!

  • Post thought provoking questions that create engagement.
  • Create live streams that users can interact with. This is being pushed on Facebook and Instagram’s algorithms.
  • Comment interesting things on popular pages in your industry.
  • Create content that encourages people to tag their friends


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