Innovative adaptive designs on the rise

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In 2019/20, the charity Scope reported that there are 14.1 million people in the UK living with a disability, making the availability and range of suitable fashion that supports those with limited mobility vital.

Supporting this movement towards more adaptive designs in fashion, supporting people’s independence, and giving people back their dignity is precisely what Funmi Lawal set out to do when she developed Clip-Knix.

An innovative adaptive fashion statement designed to let people get on with living their life the way they want. A concept of making living simple.


At the age of 35, CEO of Clip-Knix, Funmi Lawal, suffered a severe stroke. Leaving her with reduced mobility, Funmi couldn’t walk, it was extremely painful to bend down, and getting dressed felt like a constant everyday battle.

However, not to be defeated, Funmi took this opportunity to support those, like herself, with limited mobility. For those people where everyday dressing is a difficult and often stressful task, taking up a lot of time and effort each day.

Providing the solutions to daily problems, Funmi designed, tested, and tested again a solution that came in the form of clip-on underwear. Underwear that can transform the lives of millions.

As the first-ever supplier of this form of fashion item (front fastening underwear) globally, this adaptive design is certainly unique. Helping to support independence and making everyday jobs as easy as they should be. This underwear is revolutionary in the market.

Suitable for pregnant women, campers, travellers who may find themselves in closed or confined spaces, aeroplane toilets, people recovering from surgery, and more. This cleverly designed solution enables the wearer to clip the underwear on and off, offering style, practicality, durability, and an ergonomic solution for those with limited mobility.

Innovation in fashion

Adaptive designs in the world of fashion not only allow for creativity and innovation, but they show that all designs can be and are fashionable – limited mobility/disability should not mean limited fashion choices.

Boosting confidence while allowing consumers to get back their independence, adaptive design clothing represents a large, and at present, relatively untapped market. Creating a positive move for fashion designers and high street retailers.

With more and more intelligent and empathic designs coming to the market, fashionable solutions should, and now can be available to all.

Empowering people of all ages, careful and robust research will help inform the development of even more effective, attractive, and fashionable adaptive clothing. Clothing that works for everyone.

However, one of the biggest challenges Clip-Knix faces is increasing production and reach. To help support further research in this expert area, you can connect with Funmi, find out more about Clip-Knix, and share with your network, helping to raise brand awareness and increase investment opportunities.

Raising awareness and sharing with others can help make a big difference to Clip-Knix and the people that this fashion supports.

To find out more about Clip Knix and Funmi’s story, visit

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