3 Elements That Make Your Ad Successful

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The last time you bought a car, did you really need it? Chances are the car you were driving was still perfectly fine when you bought your new car. People rarely buy things because they need them. We buy for the experience. 

We enjoy making new purchases. Yes, with enough time, we can convince ourselves we really need a new one, but if you’re honest with yourself, you could have gotten by without it. What does this mean for your advertising campaign?

State The Benefits Of Your Product or Service

Point out the ways a customer will improve their life/lifestyle by making this purchase. Will their business profits increase by 50 per cent? If so, say it in your opening statement. Let it be the first thing they read in a letter or on a web page.

Don’t obsess over the features of the product or your credibility for selling it. Customers could care less. They really just want to know what’s in it for them. 

Paint Word Picture That Let Them Experience the Benefits

Add in quotes like “Wake up tomorrow with no boss” or “Spend the whole day on the golf course” to reel them in. Make a point of telling them they’ll have more freedom. 

A Multi-Level Marketer may want their audience to feel freedom in having no one to answer to or control what they do if they become successful. They’ll pinpoint that desire and hone in on it. 

make your ad successful

Inspire Immediate Action

The longer a customer waits to sign up, the more likely it is that they’ll never do it. Set deadlines. Put pressure to buy now, or they may miss out on the deal. Chances are the idea of saving a few bucks will give them the final push.

What about your sales materials? Focus on the customer benefits of the purchase, not on the specific features of the product or service. 

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